What Prison, Death, and Relapse Taught Me About the Power of Dressing Well

GQ, September 24, 2021: What Prison, Death, and Relapse Taught Me About the Power of Dressing Well

“…Anyway, whether this was fair or not: I ended up being a published writer, and less than five years after my sentencing, I was on the New York Times bestseller list. An article had come out that erroneously credited me with being a war hero, and then a lot of nothing happened, and when that died down I got an unsolicited letter from a total stranger from Mississippi named Matthew, who said he would pay me to write about what had really happened. He co-owned a small publishing house. I said I’d try and write a novel—that was the best I could do. So he said fine, if it’s good I’ll print it. And then he didn’t because he sold a manuscript version of it to Alfred A. Knopf. Which was fine because we both got paid more money.”

Additional reading:

Prison Writers, December 20, 2020: Kenneth Foster on Fashion in Prison

Rashod Stanely on the Wendy Williams Show

NPR, February 27, 2021: Will Nico Walker Watch 'Cherry?' Probably Not


A new album by incarcerated musicians features songs of prison, trauma and hope


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