Pod Club: "If I Go Missing the Witches Did It" Episode One Review

TeenVogue, September 23, 2021: Pod Club: "If I Go Missing the Witches Did It" Episode One Review

“The show follows Jenna, a Black writer and the main character of the show. But when she goes missing after spending a summer among the rich and famous in Westchester County, New York, a white podcast host (meta!) with a savior complex named Elise Edgerton takes it upon herself to crack the case. This isn’t a straight-forward white-savior-meets-true-crime tale: As she investigates, Elise begins to suspect a local “coven” might be involved in Jenna’s disappearance.”


Additional reading:

“If I Go Missing the Witches Did It” on Realm.fm


What Prison, Death, and Relapse Taught Me About the Power of Dressing Well


Journalism Behind Bars: An Interview with Yukari Kane