Liz Holmes Wants You to Forget About Elizabeth

The New York Times, May 7, 2023: Liz Holmes Wants You to Forget About Elizabeth

“Elizabeth Holmes blends in with the other moms here, in a bucket hat and sunglasses, her newborn strapped to her chest and swathed in a Baby Yoda nursing blanket. We walk past a family of caged orangutans and talk about how Ms. Holmes is preparing to go to prison for one of the most notorious cases of corporate fraud in recent history.

“In case you’re wondering, Ms. Holmes speaks in a soft, slightly low, but totally unremarkable voice, no hint of the throaty contralto she used while running her defunct blood-testing start-up Theranos.

“‘I made so many mistakes and there was so much I didn’t know and understand, and I feel like when you do it wrong, it’s like you really internalize it in a deep way,’ Ms. Holmes said as we stopped to look at a hissing anaconda.”

Additional reading:

Business Insider, May 7, 2023: Elizabeth Holmes went to Burning Man, torched an effigy for Theranos, then spent 6 months living in an RV while prosecutors built a case against her for fraudulent business practices

CBS News, March 1, 2023: Elizabeth Holmes welcomes second child as she seeks to delay prison term

Business Insider, April 25, 2023: Meet Sunny Balwani: Theranos No. 2 and Elizabeth Holmes' ex-boyfriend who just reported to prison to begin serving a 13-year sentence


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