Claude Garrett was Wrongfully Imprisoned for Decades. He Died After Five Months of Freedom.

The Intercept_, May 14, 2023: Claude Garrett was Wrongfully Imprisoned for Decades. He Died After Five Months of Freedom.

…“In many ways, Claude was luckier than most people who leave prison after decades. He had a job. He had a place to live. And he had the support of family and friends. ‘If every person that was released had the same opportunities that I had when I walked out that door, the recidivism rate would be 0.0 something,’ Claude told me. Most of the time, ‘nobody is standing at the door to welcome them home and say, “Hey man, come with me, I’m gonna take care of you.”’

“But even the best of circumstances couldn’t make up for the impact of incarceration. At 65, Claude carried untold physical and psychological trauma. Studies have long shown that prison ages people prematurely. For people who spend decades in prison under a wrongful conviction, the stress does not go simply go away after release. According to the Innocence Project, ‘Many suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, institutionalization, and depression.’”


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