‘The Sentence of Michael Thompson’ was an Injustice

News4UsOnline, March 10, 2022: ‘The Sentence of Michael Thompson’ was an Injustice

“You can say and do a lot of things in 24 minutes. Twenty-four minutes is exactly how long the film short “The Sentence of Michael Thompson” is. And it packs a wallop.

“The filmmakers of “The Sentence of Michael Thompson” managed to squeeze in the lucrative growth of the cannabis industry, a dive into the criminal justice system, the importance of family, and how one man was able to navigate more than two decades behind bars before he was able to call himself a free man.”

Additional reading;


Let’s be Blunt with Montel: 26 Years in Prison for a Non-Violent Crime

MLive, February 5, 2021: Man who served more than 20 years in marijuana case has sentenced commuted by governor


THE B-SIDE:“Negro Folklore from Texas State Prisons”on tour


’51 Years Behind Bars’: Documentary examines Tennessee’s harsh sentences for juveniles