Educational Trauma: Examples From Testing To The School-To-Prison Pipeline

Free Speech TV, January 25, 2021: Educational Trauma: Examples From Testing To The School-To-Prison Pipeline

Sonali Kolhatkar speaks with Lee Anne Gray about the school to prison pipeline.

“American schools have for years suffered many challenges, often borne of unequal or inadequate funding, existing within a deeply stratified socio-economic landscape, hampered by the demands for standardized testing, and threatened by the presence of law enforcement. Now, a new book explores what its author calls ‘Educational Trauma.’ Psychologist Dr. Lee-Anne Gray writes in her new book that the current ‘state of educational affairs,’ are ‘the way schools are places where students feel shame, unsafe, unable to manage stress, and at worst medicated, abused, and sent to prison. The state of educational affairs is one that creates trauma and then looks away.’

Additional reading:

Educational Trauma on


How a Project is Training Incarcerated People to Become Journalists


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