Jail Reform, Safety, and Justice in NYC: A Three-Part Series

The Graduate Center at CUNY, GC Presents Fall 2022: Jail Reform, Safety, and Justice in NYC: A Three-Part Series

“With fear of violent crime on the rise, a broken jail system creating dangerous conditions on Rikers and beyond, and calls for reform of the criminal legal system growing louder, what can be done? Is it possible for reform and community safety to move forward simultaneously? Picking up where our highly acclaimed fall 2021 Police Reform series left off, this three-part series will dive deep into new ideas for bringing about meaningful change.

Understanding Alternatives to Incarceration
Thursday, November 17, 6:30 p.m.

The high-profile bail reform legislation enacted in 2020 is just one example of the alternatives to incarceration that New York City has developed in recent years. How effective have alternatives to incarceration been, and what are other ways to reduce the city’s reliance on jail? Legal thinkers, defense attorneys, and prosecutors bring to light the data behind these alternatives and what reforms are still needed to make communities safe.

Featuring: Sherene Crawford, executive assistant DA, Pathways to Public Safety, Manhattan District Attorney’s Office; Ann-Marie Louison, chief impact officer, Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services (CASES); and Julia Solomons, senior social worker, The Bronx Defenders. Moderated by Krystal Rodriguez, policy director, Data Collaborative for Justice at John Jay College.

Rethinking Rikers and the Role of the Courts
Thursday, December 1, 6:30 p.m.

The horrific conditions at Rikers Island were highlighted by the case of Kalief Browder, who died in 2015 after being held for three years without a trial. According to a recent watchdog report, Rikers is more “unstable and unsafe” than ever, and the average time a person spends there is growing. Experts discuss how the courts can decrease case-processing time to reduce jail time for those awaiting trial, and how it helps both those inside the jail and the community.

Featuring: Akeem Browder, founder of the Kalief Browder Foundation; Hon. George A. Grasso (Ret.), former administrative judge for Queens County Supreme Court; Jan Ransom, investigative reporter for The New York Times; and others. Moderated by Michael Jacobson, executive director, CUNY Institute for State & Local Governance.

Reimagining the Purpose and Function of Jail
Thursday, December 8, 6:30 p.m.

How can more humane jails impact people held behind bars and society at large, and what are some successful examples? This panel — including jail and prison administrators — discusses what a functioning jail system can look like when oriented toward providing programs and meaningful supports to prevent and reduce crime.

Featuring: Leann K. Bertsch, senior vice president of corrections at Management and Training Corporation, former director of the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation; Luis Quinones, CUNY alumnus, former member and mentor at the Institute for Justice and Opportunity, and program manager for elder services at Correctional Health Services, NYC Health + Hospitals; Stanley Richards, deputy chief executive officer of the Fortune Society; John Wetzel, former Pennsylvania secretary of corrections; and others. Moderated by Julio Medina, founder, executive director, and CEO of Exodus Transitional Community.


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