Growing Beloved Community: Restorative Justice Gathering

The Center for the Humanities at CUNY, April 18, 2023, 5:30pm: Growing Beloved Community: Restorative Justice Gathering

“The concept of ‘beloved community’ has been used by scholars such as bell hooks, Dr. Bettina Love, and Dr. Terri Watson to describe communities that uplift, sustain, and protect each other.

“In response to a growing demand to build and grow ‘beloved community’ within the Urban Education program, in November 2020, a group of Urban Education students and faculty collaboratively proposed and were awarded a PublicsLab Doctoral Curriculum Enhancement Grant to establish a restorative/transformative justice (R/TJ) lens in the program. This began as a way to examine the program’s culture, relationships, sense of belonging, and collaborative learning through this lens. We continue to explore R/TJ work as practices and policies that increase individual and communal experiences of equity and well-being within our program.


“Implemented through intentional curricular design in the form of R/TJ circles, this workshop intends to support all GC community members to engage in conversations across differences, build solidarity, and serve as a space where people can work through difficult conversations. Attendees are invited to bring a meaningful object to place at the center of the circle as a way to form community.

“Our guiding question is: How do you want to see these practices grow in your program?

“Through this convening we aim to share our work and create a forum that will invite multiple modes of collaboration and increase conversations across the student body, faculty and staff, and across departments within the GC.”

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