End Strip Searches

The Ladies of Hope Ministries, April 2, 2023: End Strip Searches

“Strip searches are a degrading and invasive practice that can lead to trauma and even physical harm.

“Many women who are incarcerated have experienced trauma, including sexual assault and domestic violence. Strip searches can trigger these traumatic experiences, leading to retraumatization and harm to mental health. Additionally, strip searches can cause physical harm, such as bruising or injury to the genitals.

“Strip searches are also a violation of reproductive justice. Women who are menstruating may be forced to remove tampons or pads, which can lead to embarrassment and humiliation. In some cases, women may even be denied access to menstrual products.

“It is time to end strip searches for incarcerated women.

“Instead, correctional facilities should implement alternative methods of ensuring safety and security, such as body scans or pat-downs. These methods are less invasive and still allow for adequate safety measures.

“Ending strip searches for incarcerated women is a crucial step in promoting reproductive justice and ensuring the safety and well-being of all women, including those who are incarcerated. It is time to prioritize dignity, respect, and justice for all women, regardless of their circumstances.”

Additional reading:

The Marshall Project, Updated April 5, 2023: Strip-Search

The Appeal, November 3, 2022: Virginia Women’s Prisons Force People to Remove Pads, Tampons During Strip Searches

Los Angeles Times, July 29, 2022: Inmates faced ‘terrifying’ strip search at gunpoint in L.A. jail, lawsuit says


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