
VOL 1-39

Issues are listed under year of publication and volume number, thus volume 1 in 1974 reads as 1:1974. Names that appear after an – are the authors of the articles. Under ‘interviews’ the interviewee is first, followed by volume number and year, and then the interviewer. Most issues also include book and film festival reviews.




Cinema and Poland – Michael Parker
On Francois Truffant – Paul Nightingale
On Gianfranco Bettetini – Don Ranvaud
Theatre and Shakespearean Film – Tony Howard
Peckinpah and the Epic – Ron Rose
L’Union fait la force: Critical Theories of Film – Marion Doyen

Alan Renais (France) – interviewed by Don Ranvaud
Robin Wood (UK) – Jenny Norman and Eliz Aherne

On Liliana Cavani – Gian Carlo Castelli
Lina Wertmuller – Gian Carlo Castelli
On Marco Ferreri – Gino Buscaglia 
Neorealism – Gianfranco Bettetini
The Ambiguous Forms of Narrative Reality – Pier Paolo Pasolini
Why Custer at the ‘Halles’ in Paris 1973 – Marco Ferreri 
The International Convention of Women in the Cinema – Vicky Weatherstone

Bernardo Bertolucci (Italy) – Carlo Tagliabue
Bernardo Bertolucci (Italy) – Francesco Casetti

Living Historically: Two Films by Jean-Luc Godard – Andrew Britton
Il Rema – Pier Paolo Pasolini
Tabella – Pier Paolo Pasolini
Accatone Today – Pier Paolo Pasolini 
Why Being Rather than Nothing? – Werner Herzog 

Bernardo Bertolucci (Italy) – Carlo Tagliabue
Marco Bellocchoi (Italy) – Robert Schar
Krystztof Zanussi (Poland) – Don Ranvaud
Sohrab Shahid Saless (Iran) – Don Ranvaud

Reality and the Photographic Image – Deborah Thomas
Debate: Psychoanalysis and Film (1) – Stephen Crofts
Why Ophul? – Collective text
Pursued: a reply to Paul Willemen – Andrew Britton
The Reckless Moment – Collective Text
Family in Reckless Moment – Collective text
Jaws, Ideology and Film Theory – Stephen Heath

River of No Return – Don Ranvaud
To Be Or Not To Be – Shelia Whitaker
Douglas Sirk – Steve Neale
On Billy Wilder – James McCourt
Unamerican Inclinations of Ford and Peckinpah – Brian Taylor
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Reynold Humphries and Genevieve Suzzoni
Entertainment in the Medieval Ghetto – Clive Gardner

Michael Ritchie (USA) – Don Ranvaud


Japanese Independents—Govaers, Matsumoto, Yoshida – Shelia Whitaker
The Syberberg Statement (a dossier) – Andrew Britton
Comolli: Theory and Practice—La Cecelia – Don Ranvaud
Reflections on the Audience – Colin McArthur
Sexuality and Power or the Two Others – Andrew Briton

Framework Festival at University of Warwick in March 1977:
Meeting of international film journals /+ films screened. Attending:
France: Cahiers du Cinema, Cinefantastique, Positif; USA: Film Reader, JumpCut; Italy: Cinema Sessanta; UK: Film Form, Tribune, Montage, Rough Cut


Casanova – Gay Clifford

Eisenstein and Ideology – Stephen Crofts
Sexuality and Power – Andrew Briton

African Dossier
Les Bricot Negres Prologue – Med Hondo 
Nous aurons toute la morte (pour domir) – Med Hondo

The Nickelodeon Era Begins: Establishing Framework for Hollywood’s Mode of Representation — 22/23:1983 – Charles Musser 
Excavating Porter: A Review of Before the Nickelodeon — Richard Allen

Med Hondo (Mauritania) – Don Ranvaud
Ousmane Sembene (Senegal) – Ulrich Gregor
Haile Germina (Ethiopia) – Paul Willemen

Nous aurons (Med Hondo) – Don Ranvaud
Black Narcissus – Michael Walker
It Always Rains on Sunday (Part II) – Shelia Whitaker
The Moment of It Always Rains on Sunday – Gerry Turvey
London Filmmaker’s Co-op – Annabel Nicholson
Constructions of Reality—Traditions of Independence in British Cinema – Don Mc Pherson
Movie Crazy or the Man(iac) with the Movie Camera (on Peeping Tom) – Raymond Durgnat
Brook’s Remarkable Men – Don Ranvaud
Star Wars – SEFT Manchester Discussion Group

The Future of Cinema – André Antoine
André Antoine’s Film Theory – Stuart Liebman

Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen (UK) – Don Ranvaud 
Karel Reiz (UK) – Shelia Whitaker
Jack Gold (UK) – Shelia Whitaker

The Chilean Cinema in Exile – Peter B. Schuman
La Batalla de Chile—El Golpe – Patricio Guzman
Language and Popular Culture – Jorge Sanjines
Cuban Images: Some Notes – Michael Chanan
Grease – SEFT Manchester Discussion Group
Feminism, Film and the Avant Garde – Laura Mulvey

Rossellini: Dossier 
Rossellini 1 – Don Ranvaud
Rossellini 2—and the Critics – Geoffery Nowell-Smith
Rossellini 3—on his Originality – Edoardo Bruno

The Infringement of Copyright Laws and Its Effects (1900-1906) – André Gaudreault

Raul Ruiz (Chile) – Don Ranvaud
Pastor Vega (Cuba) – Don Ranvaud
Humberto Solas (Cuba) – John King
Gutierrez Aléa (Cuba) – Gerado Chijona
Fernando Solas (Argentina) — 10:1997 – Don Ranvaud


The Documentary 
Joris Ivens and the Problems of Documentary Film – Bert Hodenkamp 
Five Faces of Vertov – Jean Rouch 
On Rossellini – Jean Rouch 
Summing Up – Roberto Rossellini 
On Marx: Ideas Towards a film about Marx – Roberto Rossellini

That Part of Cinema called Television 
Channel Four and Independence – Independent Filmmakers Association
An Assessment of Television – Jean-François Lyotard 

Hollywood Corner
Re-writing History: notes on The Deer Hunter – Reynold Humphries

Four West African Filmmakers Round Table Discussion on ‘Cinema: Art Form or Political Weapon’ – Samba Felix N’Diaye and Kwate Nee-Owoo 
Fernando Solanas, Bertrand Tavernier, René Vautier and Guy Hennebelle Round Table Discussion 
What is Cinema for Us? – Med Hondo
West Indies Story (J’ai deux amours) – Ben Gibson

Latin America Part II
Humberto Mauro and the Historical Position of Brazilian Cinema – Glauber Rocha 
Hunger Aesthetics versus Profit Aesthetics – Glauber Rocha 
La Batalla de Chile (III) – Patricio Guzman 

Ycham discoursing on cinema: France 1912 — 31/32:1986 – Richard Abel 
‘Cinematography’, Ciné-Journal 20 April–11 May 1912 — 31/32:1986 – Ycham

Soulemane Cissé (Mali) 
Safi Faye (Senegal) – Angela Martin
Jean Rouch (France) – J-P Oudart and Yann Lardeau





Glauber Rocha: An Introduction – Sergio Toledo Segall and Robert Gervits
History of Cinema Novo – Glauber Rocha
Disavowal of Class Conflict in Murder by Decree – Reynold Humphries
Masochism and Subjectivity – Kaja Silverman
Hollycau$t—Inquiry into Holocaust – Edgar Reitz (and Andrée Tournes)
Holocaust is not a Film – P Fleischman and Andrée Tournes
Form is Morality: Holocaust – Hans-Jurgen Syberberg
Rotterdam Conference: Are You Coming Through? – Leonard Henny
Berger’s Animal’s: Berger’s Canrnival of Animals – Alison Beale

Framework Festival at Norwich (1980) ‘British Cinema in the Eighties’ 

Shyam Bengal (India) – Behroze Gandhy
Orlando Senna (Brazil) – Don Ranvaud
Marco Ferrei (Italy) – Gino Buscaglia, Don Ranvaud, Carlo Tagliabue


East Anglian Film Archive – David Cleveland
Sunday Too Far Away and Born—Again Cinema – Noel King
Hybrid Plots in Psycho – Peter Wollen
Vertigo: The Secret of the Tower – Jürgen Ebert
Rebecca – Don Ranvaud
Introduction: Place in the Cinema – Peter Wollen
Sauve qui peut...Godard! Fragments – Jean-Paul Godard 
Mark Rappaport on Place – Mark Rappaport 
James Benning on Place – James Benning 

The Birth of the Sixth Art—1911 – Ricciotto Canudo

Stanton Kaye (USA) – Don Ranvaud
James Benning (USA) – Jon Jost
Jon Jost (USA) – Don Ranvaud
Eagle Pennell (USA) – Jon Jost
Jean-Paul Godard (France) – Don Ranvaud


Apocalypse Now viewed by a Vietnamese – Nyguyen Khac Vien
Youssef Chahine and the Egyptian Cinema – Roy Armes
The Limits of Individual Action (on Yilmaz Guney) – Roy Armes
Male Subjectivity and the Celestial Suture: It’s a Wonderful Life – Kaja Silverman
Halloween: Suspense, Aggression and the Look – Steve Neale
It’s Only a Film/ La face du néant – Pascal Bonitzer
Trying to Remember an Afternoon with Raul Walsh – Jon Halliday
Anthony Mann: Looking at the Male – Paul Willemen 
Pod-Persons and Sign Systems – Charles Barr
Film/Criticism/ Film Education – Philip Simpson
Kevin Brownlow’s Hollywood and Film Theory – James Leahy
The Avant-Gardes: Europe and America – Peter Wollen
The Classic TV Detective Genre – Mike Westlake
History Man: Sounds and Images of Academe – Terence Hawkes
Dallas Part I – Gillian Swanson

Thoughts on an Aesthetic for the Cinema—1913 – Georg Lukacs

Youssef Chahine (Egypt) – Andrée Tournes
Sally Potter (UK) – Valentina Agostinis
Andrei Tarkofsky (Russia) – Ian Christie


Afterthoughts on ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ Inspired by Duel in the Sun – Laura Mulvey
Yilmaz Guney: The Limits of Individual Action – Roy Armes
Heroic Fatality and Visual Delirium: Raw Deal and the Film Noir – Frank Krutnik
Window Dressing: A Poster Competition for Dressed to Kill – Tony Brynat and Griselda Pollack
All this... and Superman Too – Ben Gibson
(script) Freud’s Dora: A Case of Mistaken Identity – Jay St Collective 
Dallas Part II – Gillian Swanson
The Spanish Coup as Representation – Contracampo
Video Report – Paul Willemen

Kinema—1908 – Vaclav Tille

Anthony Mann (USA) – Jean-Claude Missiaen
Yilmaz Guney (Turkey)


So That You Can Live (for Shirley) – Michael Chanan
Police Taped – John Wyver
Introduction – Philip Simpson
How Can You Take Film Seriously – Christopher Frayling
Questions of Psychoanalysis—Questions of Heath – David Will
Escape Route to Marseilles (1) – Ingemo Engstrom/ Gerhard Theuring
Presentation – Steve Neale
Postscript – Paul Willemen
Selections from ‘The Cinema Academy"’ – Olivier Assayas 

Introduction – Ian Christie
1913–1927 Film and Theatre – Vladamir Mayakovsky

Ken Loach (UK) – Julian Petley


So That You Can Live: Popular Memory – Claire Johnston
So That You Can Live: A Welsh Response – Derrick Price
A detour ‘round’ So That You Can Live – Marc Karlin
Raiders of the Lost Ark – Steve Neal
Escape Route to Marseilles (2) – Engstrom/Theuring
Introduction: on Sam Fuller – David Will
‘Tough Nuts to Crack:’ Fuller’s Shock Corridor – Ronnie Scheib
The White Dog Talks—To Sam Fuller – Sam Fuller (USA)

The Aesthetics, The Obstacles, Integral Cinegraphie—1927 – Germaine Dulac
Introduction to ‘Integral Cinegraphie’ (1927) – Stuart Liebmann

Sam Fuller (USA) – Don Ranvaud 
Iain Bruce and Nick Dubrule (UK) – Peter Todd
Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen (UK) – Fizzy Oppé and Don Ranvaud


Brownlow’s Gance – Richard Philpott
Mersault Goes West: Five Easy Pieces and Art Cinema – Noel King
King Blank: Response to by Karyn Kay – Michael Oblowitz
Splits: Changing the Fantasmatic Scene – Kaja Silverman
Splits: The Script – Leandro Katz
A Metabolic View – Thomas Elsaesser
Obituary for Rainer Werner Fassbinder – Douglas Sirk 

Introduction – Ann Friedberg
Continuous Performance: The Film Gone Male – Dorothy Richardson

Wayne Wang (USA) – Peter Todd
Beth and Scott B (USA) – Scott McDonald


Godard’s Passion 
Passion 1. – Peter Wollen
Passion 2. – Rod Stoneman
Passion 3. – Paul Willemen
An Unsuitable Job for a Man? – Rosemary Jackson
New York Super-8 filmmakers: An Introduction – Karyn Kay

Slavko Vorkapich: A Hollywood Extra (1927)—The First of the Independents or How Hollywood Extra Was Made – Bozidar Zecevic 
The Life and Death of 9431—A Hollywood Extra – Richard Allen
Script: A Hollywood Extra – Richard Allen

Jean-Luc Godard (France) – Don Ranvaud and Alberto Farassino
Edgardo Cozarinsky – Thomas Elsaesser
Anand Patwardhan (India) – Behroze Gandhy
Betsey Sussler (USA) – Karyn Kay
Adam Brooks (USA) – Karyn Kay
Tim Burns (USA) – Karyn Kay and Louis Walthall
Robert Nelson (USA) – Scott MacDonald
Aaron Lipstadt (USA) – Jim Hillier
Jan Worth and Annie Brown (UK) – Sylvia Harvey


Gandiana and Gandhiology – Ashish Rajadhyaska
Oh What a Lovely War – Tom Nairn
Tomato Ketchup/Passion Fruit: Variations on Japanese Independants
– Lesley Stern
Presentation – Paul Willemen
Australian Film Culture: Dossier 
The Australian State: A National Cinema – Sam Rohdie
Australian Filmmaking: Its Public Circulation – Tom O’Regan
‘Typical Aussies’: Television and Popularism in Australia – Noel King and Tim Rowse
A State Capitalist Venture: The Southern Australian Film Corporation – Albert Moran
Camera Natura: Landscape in Australian Feature Films – Ross Gibon
Indigestion: The Practice of Reviewing – Meaghan Morris
Frozen Music (resistence and memory) – Mick Eaton
Photographing the Poor and Working Class – Derrick Price
Cable TV: A Proposal – Rob Burkitt

The Nickelodeon Era Begins: Establishing Framework for Hollywood’s Mode of
Representation – Charles Musser 
Excavating Porter: A Review of Before the Nickelodeon – Richard Allen

Gianni Amelio (Italy) – Philip Schlesinger
Katsue Tomiyama (Japan) – Lesley Stern


Filmnews – Jan McSweeney
The Australian Journal of Screen Theory – Felicity Collins
Serious Undertakings—Deconstructions, Demolitions – Sylvia Lawson
Serious Undertakings: Release Script – Helen Grace and Erika Addis
King of Comedy: A Crisis of Substitution – Beverle Houston
An Avant Garde for the Eighties – Paul Willemen

The Future of Cinema – André Antoine
André Antoine’s Film Theory – Stuart Liebman

Sally Potter (UK) – Pam Cook


The Seventh Goddess – Bui Phui
The Vietnamese Cinema from its Origins to 1945 – Pham Nyoc Trong
Brecht the Realist and New German Cinema – Roswitha Muella
A Guide to Neo-Television – Umberto Eco
Stars Get In Your Eyes – Kevin Rockett
Scotland’s Story – Colin McArthur
Stranger’s Kiss – David Will

Merata Mita (New Zeland) – Pacale Lamche
Jon Jost (USA) – Pascale Lamche


El Norte – Richard Allen
The Tightrope of Male Fantasy – Ron Burnett
Heimat: Approaches to a Word and a Film – Martin Chalmers
Ireland: The Propaganda War – Paul Madden

Issac Julien (UK) – Jim Pines
Michelle and Armand Mattelart – Paul Willemen
Diego Risques – David Will
Pat Murphy – David Will
Nagisa Oshima (Japan) – Shinko Suga


Brazil—Post Cinema Novo: Special Issue
A New Actor: The State – Jean Claude Bernarde
Parody and marginality – João Luiz Viera and Robert Stam

Special focus on Carlos Reichenbach
Amor Palavra Prostituta – João Carlos Rodrigues
O Imperio do desejo – Jairo Ferreira

Ana Carolina Teixeira Soares
Mar de rosas: Critical Dossier – Simon Hartog 
Das tripas Coração — 28: 1985 – João Carlos Rodrigues

Carlos Alberto Prates Correia
Perdida (1) – Pola Vartuk
Perdida (2) – Sylvio Back
Cabarét Mineiro: A Synopsis – Carlos Alberto Prates Correia
Cabarét Mineiro (review) – Servulo Siqueira

Julio Bressane
On Sound – Juilo Bressane
Julio Bressane — 28: 1985 – Jairo Ferreira

João Callegaro
O Pornografo — 28: 1985 – Jairo Ferreira

Ozualdo Candeias
A Margem – Jairo Ferreira

Andrea Tonacci
Bangue Bangue 

Zé do Caixão and Mojica: In the Garden of Delights – Jairo Ferreira
Brazilian Independents: Some Background Notes – Claudio Solano
Chronicle of Brazilian Cinema – Paul Willemen

Carlos Reichenbach (Brazil) – Simon Hartog
Murilo Salles (Brazil) – Servulo Siqueira



Acting Tapes – Mark Nash and James Swinson
A Desk Between Two Borders – Lizbeth Malkmus
Japan: Avant Garde of the Future – Lesley Stern
Parody and Marginality: The Case of Brazilian Cinema – João Luiz Viera and Robert Stam
Presentation on Gitai – Paul Willemen
Chahine on Gitai – Yousseff Chahine
Ananas – David Lusted
Celebration of the Israeli Race – Ygal Tomarkin
Bangkok Bahrain – Mick Eaton

The Infringement of Copyright Laws and Its Effects (1900–1906) – André Gaudreault

Merzak Allouache (Algeria) – Lizbeth Malkmus
Nelson Pereira dos Santos (Brazil) – Richard Peña
Amos Gitai (Israel) – Roger Buck, Nick Dubrule, and Peter Todd


The Passion of Rembrance: Background – Martine Attille (SANKOFA)
Children at War: Films By Gubenko Evtushenko – Nancy Condee and Vladimir Padunov
The Polish Balance Sheet – Jerzy Plazewski
The Politics of Silence: Anne Devlin, Women and Irish Cinema – Luke Gibbons
Introduction to Kumar Shahani’s Essays – Ashish Rajadhyksha
The Sentimental Age: Chauvel, Melodrama, Nationality – Stuart Cunnigham
Pausing Over Peripheral Detail – Roger Cardial
Postscript: Terms for a Debate – Paul Willemen
Reading the Visual – Anne Freeman

Kumar Shahani: Dossier 
Myths for Sale – Kumar Shahani 
Invocation – Kumar Shahani 
The Media Police – Kumar Shahani 
Notes for an Aesthetic of Film Sound – Kumar Shahani 
Ideologial Ironies – Kumar Shahani 

SANKOFA (UK) – Jim Pines
Anand Patwardhan (India) – Sean Cubitt


Contextualising Rocinante – Alison Butler
Notes on Rocinate – Paul Willemen
The Akasaka Connection The Tokyo Film Festival and New Japanese Cinema – Don Ranvaud
One From the Heart – Serge Daney
The Forbidden Zoom – Serge Daney
Politics Now (Anxieties over a petit-bourgeois intellectual) – Meaghan Morris
Neo-Traditonalism—Film as Popular Art In India – Ashish Rajadhyaksta 
Melodramtic Performance Signs – Susan Roberts
Uncanny Feminism: The Exquisite Corpses of Cecilia Conduit – Patricia Mellencamp
The Loss of Visions: An Interview – Paul Willemen
Open the Box – Susan Boyd-Bowman

Ycham discoursing on cinema: France 1912 – Richard Abel 
‘Cinematography’, Ciné-Journal 20 April–11 May 1912 – Ycham 

Frank Abbott (UK) – Sean Cubitt


Recharting Soviet Cultural History – Nancy Condee and Vladimir Padunov
Chilean Cinema in Exile (1973–1986) – Zusana M Pick
Notes and Reflections (on Third Cinema Question) – Paul Willemen


Presentation: Letter to an Actress – Ashish Rajadhyksha
Letter to an Actress – Rustom Bharucha
Peter Brook’s Mahabharata – Rustom Bharucha
Moving Beyond the Source: K.K. Mahajan, Cinematographer – Ashish Rajadhyksha
Some Background Notes (on Handsworth Songs) – Reece Auguiste
The Old Well: A Womb or a Tomb? The double Perspective in Wu Tianming’s Old Well – Yuejin Wang
News From Havana: A Restructing of the Cuban Cinema – Paulo Antonio Paranagua
Remembering Claire Johnston (memorium) – Lesley Stern, Laleen Jayamanne, Helen Grace 

Tolomush Okeev (Soviet Union) – Miriam Rosen 
Black Audio Collective (UK) – Jim Pines and Paul Gilroy


Questions of Third Cinema
Conference papers presented at ‘Theory and Politics of Location Symposium’ 
Introduction – John Akomfrah
About Locating Ourselves and Our Representation – Coco Fusco
Choosing the Margin of the Space of Radical Openness – bell hooks
Introduction – Stuart Hall
Image in the Heart – Laleen Jayamanne
The Politics of Location: Cinema/Theory/Literature/ Ethnicity/Sexuality/Me – Michelle Wallace
Cultural Identity and Cinematic Representation – Stuart Hall

Ousmane Sembene (Senegal) – Kwate Nee Owoo
Tadao Sato (Japan) – Shinko Suga


African Cinema Today – Manthia Diawara
The Crisis and Cultural Practice – Robert Crusz
Pioneers: Women Filmmakers in Latin America – Paulo Antonio Paranagua

Focus on Sri Lankan Cinema 
The History of Sinhala Cinema – Edwin Ariyadasa
Cinema and the State – Ashley Ratnavibhushana
The Context of Tamil Film Production in Sri Lanka – Kavaloor Rajadurai
Cinema in Cultural and Politcal Debates in Sri Lanka – Jayadeva Uyangoda
Sri Lankan Tamil Films – KS Sivakumaran
Women in Sri Lankan Cinema – Sunila Abeysekera
Capturing Reality: The ‘Alternative’ Cinema of Dharmasena Pathiraja – Piyal Somaratna
Anoja Weerasinghe: The Star and the Actress – Framework
Sri Lankan Cinema: The Present and Future Scenario – A.J. Gunawardana

Tissa Abayesekera (Sri Lanka) – T Chandana-Silva
Swarna Mallawarachchi (Sri Lanka) – Framework





Language of Terrorism – Laura U Marks
France’s Bureau of Cinema: Financial and Technical Assitance between 1961 and 1971—Operations and Implications for African Cinema – Claire Andrade-Watkins
Black Skin, Black Masks – Alok Rai 
Love Me Tender, Love Me True, Never Let Me Go... a Sri Lankan Reading of Tracey Moffat’s Night Cries – Laleen Jayamanne
Aravindan (1935-1991) (obituary) – Satti Khanna
Letter from Cuba to an Unfaithful Europe: The Political Position of Cuban Cinema – Paulo Antonio Paranagua 
The Caribbean Film and Video Federation: A Report– June I Givanni
Striptease East and West: Sexual Representation in Documentary Film – Liz Kotz

Questions of Third Cinema — ‘Theory and Politics of Location Symposium’ 
Introduction – John Akomfrah
About Locating Ourselves and Our Representation – Coco Fusco
Choosing the Margin of the Space of Radical Openness – bell hooks
Introduction – Stuart Hall
Image in the Heart – Laleen Jayamanne
The Politics of Location: Cinema/Theory/Literature/ Ethnicity/Sexuality/Me – Michelle Wallace
Cultural Identity and Cinematic Representation – Stuart Hall

Henri Alekan and Amos Gitai – Stéphane Levine
Lino Brocka (Phillipines) – Hamid Naficy
Anand Patwardhan (India) – Robert Crusz and Priyath Liyanage


Changing Representations of the Penis in the 70s and 90s – Peter Lehman and Susan Hunt
Kung Fu from Bruce Lee to Jet Li – Leon Hunt
School of Sound 1998 – John Ellis
Michel Chion – Larry Sider
Silence of the Loudspeakers – Michel Chion

Archeology: Dossier on Manny Farber 
Badlands, Mean Streets, Wind and the Lion, Nashville – Manny Farber
Venice Film Festival – Manny Farber and Patricia Patterson 
Manny Farber – Noel King 
Manny Farber: Cinema’s Painter-Critic – Jean-Pierre Gorin, Oliver Ossayas, S Le Péron, S Toubiana 
Critics Going Everywhere – Donald Phelps
Impressions of Manny Farber – Adrian Martin

Malcom Ferris (UK) – Jane Prophet


The X Files, Paranoia and Conspiracy: from the 70s to 90s – Douglas Kellner
Assembly, Marketing and Reception of Bram Stoker’s Dracula – Thomas Austin
Expanding Universe: from the Ethnic Food Store to Blockbusters – Dina Iordanova
Fashion Notes – Peter Wollen
Invisible Fashions – Ackbar Abbas
‘Gives Good Face’: Mr John and Power of Hats in Film – Drake Stutesman

Ellen Seiter and Susan Davies in conversation 
Barbara Orton – John Dovey
Zandra Rhodes – Geraldine Howell

Charles Lillo

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